Year |
Diary entries for 10 SeptemberKey: Steam | Diesel | Unit |
1953 | 16:02 fish cancelled, spare. H Lonie | 1957 | 12:10 Carnoustie & return, 13:15 Carnoustie & return, 16:17 Arbroath & return, 42690 throughout. | 1958 | 12:30 LE to Arbroath, 14:25 to Dundee, 15:25 to Arbroath, 16:10 to Dundee, 17:25 to Arbroath, 18:15 to Dundee - all class 'B' with 80124. | 1959 | 07:32 Fife coast & back, 12:46 Tayport & return, 44954 throughout. | 1962 | 07:30 number 2 Dundee West pilot, D2713. | 1963 | 12:10 harbour pilot, D2744. J Lamb | 1964 | 08:15 carnoustie, 08:52 return, 51468/51538. 10:50 Perth, 51466/51536. 12:10 ex Perth, 51450/50290. 12:47 carnoustie, 13:31 return, 52000/52026. | 1968 | 20:30 depot spare, D Murray. | 1969 | 15:00 number 3 pilot, 3346. | 1970 | 11:40 class 2 to Edin, ecs to Leith Central, 50175/51251. 15:35 ecs ex Leith Central, 16:30 class 2 ex Edin, 50746/51224. | 1972 | Booked turn. 20:23 class 1 to Edin, 357. 23:59 class 7 ex Millerhill, 365. W Ramsay | 1974 | 05:43 class 5 to Montrose, 06:35 class 2 to Cupar, 08:14 class 2 to Arbroath, 50292/51239 throughout. | 1976 | 05:20 pilot, 08761. | 1977 | 04:00 spare. 04:13 6Z21 to Millerhill, 27014 + pipe empties ex Aberdeen. Home pass 07:45 ex Edin. | 1978 | Extra turn. 20:58 1Z16 to Aberdeen, 22:50 5Z16 ex aberdeen, 40069 both ways. J Golden | 1979 | 09:07 1T14 to Glasgow, 40114. Home pass 12:44 ex Glasgow. J Wardlaw (Perth) | 1980 | 23:00 spare & prep - 40157/25066/27104/25079/ 08428/25238/08736/06002. D Royle | 1982 | 09:00 spare. 27026 LE to Perth, refuel & return. 27010 LE to Perth, refuel & return. J Peoples | 1983 | 22:00 book on. Kinfauns ballast, 27021. J Marr | 1984 | 16:49 6E89 to Millerhill, 47053. 21:18 2L62 ex Edin, 53254/53746. | 1986 | 05:00 pilot, 27049. T Moran | 1987 | Sprinter instructor. 07:00 run to Edin to pick up L Gracie. Edin to Kirkcaldy via Dunfermline, then to Thornton via Portobello & sub. 150255. | 1988 | 00:01 spare. | 1989 | Booked turn. 07:15 1J56 to Edin, 150285+150250. 11:20 1J55 ex Edin, 150244+150208. |